Cape Town

26th May 2004

Hello all, Well, after 27 hours on a plane from Sydney to Cape Town and 2 valiums to last the flights, I have to say that I am glad I took the time to visit this beautiful city. It's out of my way considering I have to be in Nairobi Saturday but glad I made the trek.

There's a huge contrast in wealth in the city that is quite remarkable. Leaving the Cape town airport you are immediately confronted with "Shanti Towns' right next to the very modern freeway that leads from the airport to the city. Quite a sight to see. In the city I am staying in Green Square, which is probably as central as Sydney's town hall and there are street markets on every day with all sorts of African odds and sods for sale. The name of the game is to bargain as hard as you can. Bit of a test of wills as to who can strike the best price but it's all good natured.

Yesterday I was pretty stuffed when I arrived and therefore just checked out the town on foot and had a look around. I met a friend of South African Colin's for dinner last night which was cool and he showed me around the town a bit and took me for a drive up to Sea Point (the equaivalent of Sydney's Bondi beach) which was cool but because it was at night I don't think i got the full appreciation of the views etc. Was cool though and went for a drink at some of Cape Towns more colourful rainbow bars.....packed it in early though as needed my beauty sleep.... :-)

Today I went to Robben Island which was the prison that Nelson Mandela was imprisoned in for 27 years. Sad but very inspirational. The tour leaders were great (ex prisoners themselves) and the ferry ride over which takes about 20 minutes for the 13 kms was quite a ride. Seas were rough and many people were getting sea sick....I held strong though!!!

I was going to try and go to the top of Table Mountain this afternoon but the cable cart is closed because of the wind which sucks but I guess that just means I'll have to come back. It's an amazing sight and dominates the city skyline but very impressive.

Off to Nairobi tomorrow. More time on planes. At least when I get to Nairobi I'll have a beer or twenty waiting for me as Goose and Leez will be there all ready. I heard from Goose yesterday and she said that the group we are going on tour with are awesome which is cool.....three mad weeks coming up....

Anyway, off I go. It's almost 4pm here and I've got some more sights to go see.

Cya Dave

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