9th June 2004 - Zanzibar

Greetings from Zanzibar!!!

Jumbo!!! (That's hello in Swahili).

Finally we have made it to a place that has internet! Well actually, Zanzibar isn't just a place, it's a bloody paradise! About 2 hours off thecoast of Tanzania, I am having a ball!!

So far we have done a never ending list of exciting things. Visited the Masi Mara National park in Kenya, went game driving and got up close and personalwith Buffalo, Lions, Elephants, Cheetahs, Gazelle, Impala and an array of other animals. Too many to mention. Have visited local villages and got tours of Masi Warriors houses which are the size of my lounge room and sleep on average 5 people plus a goat or two...and they are made out of mud!Nice...Men have on average 3 or more wives and the women seem to do all the work around the house including building it....

We saw hippos at our campsite on day 3 which was ace and the only thing separating me from some hippos during the night was the electric fence whichwas conveniently located about 3 metres from my tent.....fun.

Actually, the camping hasn't been too bad so far. The tents are big enough to stand in and although we are meant to be sharing, there are 23 people onthe tour, so I decided to take the bachelor tent which is working out well. I have so much crap spread across the tent that I need the space anyway....I was not well on day 4 so it was probably good that I didn't have someone I was sharing with. Had some sort of stomach bug which took the best part of 3 days to get over.
Money has been an issue. I didn't bring enough cash as I didn't want to be carrying that much and the ATM's in Kenya didn't work. Thank God Goose andLeez were on the tour as well as they helped me out but once we crossed into Tanzania things have got better on that front. ATM's work and now I have cash, I've been spending up big on nick nacks! I forgot I was coming to the third world!

Went to the Serengeti national park in Tanzania for 2 days on Thursday-Friday last week which was awesome! Saw lots of animals roamingaround and have taken some great photos and video but I will have to wait until London to send photos....too much hassle at an internet cafe! Slept in our tents in the Serengeti and we heard Hienas and all sorts of things rummaging around the tents at night. A little bit frightening but what an experience! Saw a mass migraton of Zebras and Wilderbeast in the Serengeti which was just amazing. Must have been millions literally but the pictures will tell that story!

The group on tour are great fun. There's a couple mad English girls who we are all getting along great with and a good mix of Aussies, Canadians, Scots, and a lone Yank. We are having fun.

Today we took the Ferry from Dar As Salaam to Zanzibar and will be here for 4 days. It's a paradise. About 35 degrees outside but thankfully this internet cafe is air conditioned.

Anyway, best get going. The sun sets at 6:15pm and I need to get down to the African Hotel and get a beer to enjoy the view!

Hope all is well where you are and let me know any goss from your end!


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