Italy 2005 - Rome

21st July 2004

Hello again all,

All right. Well I am nearing the end of my holiday so this will probably be my second last email for this trip. Thank God I hear some of you say. Truth be told I could happily travel the world all year and write these emails as I have been having such a lovely time. Who couldn't...

Having said that I am looking forward to going back to Australia and seeing everyone again but I am not so sure I am mentally ready for work just yet. I have completely switched my brain off from anything work related which of course is the point of a holiday anyway but it may take a while to start up again....

So, what have I been up to? Well, last time I wrote I was in Florence madly seeing as many sights as possible in the 2 days I was there. I was very successful at seeing all the important sights again although I decided to skip the Uffizi as I know I have to leave something for me to do when I go back....

Having left Florence I made my way to Rome and actually decided when I arrived here that I would treat myself to a bit of luxury and stay in a 4 star hotel for a couple nights. I couldn't resist the temptation of having some air conditioning and some pampering in this very hot city. Pretty much since arriving I have done loads of sightseeing as usual, eaten lots food, I have had ridiculous amounts of gelato and I've been studying Italian this week at school here in Rome.

Most of the weekend was spent wandering the city, seeing sights like St Peters Basilica, John Paul II's tomb, the Colosseum, Fontana Di Trevi, The Panthenon, Piazza Navona, Spanish Steps and all the piazzas and side streets in between. Even though I saw a lot of them last year there is something wonderful about this city that makes it satisfying to see these sites again. Saturday night I went to Piazza Di Campiodoglio for a free open air opera which of course was wonderful. The passion that the Italian's put into their music is something special and the crowd really got into it. It truly is what Italy is all about.

Sunday I had to relocate accommodation from the 4 star luxury to the accommodation the school had arranged as part of my course. I am staying with an Italian woman who is lovely and she rents out her 2nd and 3rd bedrooms to students through the school. It's nothing special but it does the job. Quite comfortable and only 10 minutes on the tram from the central train station so actually pretty central to everything which is nice. No real dramas there although yesterday I did manage to catch the wrong tram in the morning (think I was still half asleep) and ended up going in the complete opposite direction to which I wanted to go. Never mind, I worked it out when I switched my brain on and made school just in time!

On Monday I started Italian school and then after school finished at 1pm I went on the search for U2 tickets for this Saturday at the Rome Stadio Olympico. As I was determined I asked around a lot and eventually I found a scalper who had tickets for the standing area on the pitch and bought a ticket for double the face value. That was EURO120 which is about AUD$200 which is actually the same as what I paid to see them in London from a legitimate ticket seller. To be honest I was expecting to have to pay more but I am so excited I don't care....Saturday night is my last night here in Rome and it is going to be a great way to finish! Obsessed I know but they are great!

Italian school this week has been a bit of a challenge. I was always expecting it to be a challenge as I knew they only spoke Italian to the classes but I think I am in between levels at the moment so I am finding tough in parts. I'm finding my ability to understand Italian conversations is increasing and usually I can understand 70-80% of any conversation Italians have with me, either in class or out and about around the city. The challenge of course is being able to talk. Usually I can converse around 50% of a conversation in Italian but my vocabulary is pretty limited so it is tough at times....oh, and my Italian grammar is useless....I have lots to learn there. Lots to focus on when I start school again in Australia.

The other students are great fun though (albeit on average around 23-24 years old) but I have had no problem getting on with them at all. In fact yesterday around 10 of us from the school went to the beach in the afternoon and it was great. The sea was lovely and refreshing as Rome is stifling. We played beach volleyball and soccer and all went for a bite to eat after the beach last night. Was a fun afternoon actually and we all bonded well....gelato in Italy tends to be a very bonding experience!

This afternoon I have free and am going to meet Marta, a friend from Sydney after I finish here at the internet cafe. We will probably wander around Rome, check out the sites and then have a bite to eat tonight. Will be nice to see a familiar face. I also have to book a hotel for Saturday night as I want to stay somewhere near the central train station so that after the U2 concert I don't have to bother with night buses etc. I am so excited about seeing U2.....leaving nothing to chance...

Then Sunday I fly back to London for a few more days with Colin and the London crew before heading home to reality next week. No doubt when I email you all before I leave I will be gushing about U2 so be prepared although I will try and contain myself.

So that's about it for the moment I guess. Love to you all. Hope you are well wherever you are. To those of you in Cambodia, have a great holiday and see you when you get back to Sydney. To pretty much everyone else in London and Sydney, look forward to seeing you soon and those in far off places around the world, look forward to seeing you when you next visit Sydney - I believe it is your turn!


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