Los Angeles 2006

19th September 2006

Well hi again all!

Well this holiday to LA has come out of the blue. My sister Sue had her 3rd baby in April this year and even though that was all well known when she visted last December I wasn't intending on visiting until 2007

It has come about as my mum and dad were here as well and when I decided in June I was going to go to Tokyo to see Madonna I thought why not have a pit stop in LA to spend it with the family!

I have had a great time in LA mainly doing family things although Sue did manage to sort out a round of golf for me with her boss at the famous Riviera Country Club so as a golfing geek that was VERY VERY cool!

My new baby nephew Andrew is totally adorable as are my other nephew and niece Thomas and Sydney. I pretty much spent a lot of time just hanging out with everyone although I did manage to head to Skye Bar one night to have drinks with a familiar face from Sydney Fiona King and her possies! That was fun and we got very plastered with an actor from Home and Away so that was very fun...we even managed to find ourselves on the set of a very cool program in the USA called Enterouge....that was cool...

Catching up with John & Rich and Sean & Carey has also been fun. John & Rich took me sightseeing whilst I was there and the highlight was definately going to the Six Feet Under House...and a couple nights hitting the clubs as well....

Anyway, thanks to you all for the fun catching up. I look forward to 2007 when I get back!


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