Rio Wins.....
23rd February 2007

OK, so we have left the mayhem of Rio and now find ourselves in Salvador appreciating some more quiet times....we certainly need it as by the time we all left pretty much most of us were destroyed takes a lot of stamina to keep up the pace in Rio for a week!

Have to say, we did it well in Rio, mixing it with the locals, dancing to the samba beats, watching the Carnival parade Sunday and then finding oursleves in the middle of the Sambodromo participating in the Carnival parade on Monday. On Tuesday we again found ourselves on TV as we went along a 300 metre red carpet runway to enter the Gay Scala Ball which was fantastic. Whilst some stones have been left unturned in terms of visiting tourist attractions we didn´t leave many unturned when it comes to getting down with the locals.

We only left Rio yesterday and I have to say I felt very sad to go. It was amazing. Santa Teresa was a great place to stay. It was high in the hills, away from the beaches but closer to the local action so all in all it was a great experience. All ready thinking about when it is that I can get back there....there is a lot to go back for and do all over again. Of course I have taken loads of photos which I will some how need to condense to post here but believe me when I say that there were so many sights to see that it was important that I catch them all on film ;-) ...from the 12 year old boys selling beers between the cars at traffic lights, the street parties (Blocos), the Soccer at Maracana, the favelas, the carnival parade itself (watching and participating), the Carnival Ball and of course the tourist get the drift....we did loads and therefore that means there are lots and lots of photos!

So, Salvador. We are here for 3 days and chilling out basically. Carnival here was meant to be huge as well but it is over now and life seems to be as normal as it can possibly be for the chaos loving Brazilians. There are 7 of us together now staying here and then Sunday we head to the island of Morro De Sao Paulo for some serious R&R on the beach. Lots of good food and taking it easy at the moment. We are staying in the old town of Salvador which is a fantastic cobble stoned mix of old buildings that are all painted in bright pastel colours giving the town some real life. Of course the banks are a major pain in the arse and don´t seem to like my cards but I am managing. The locals that hassle the tourists are still all out and about but for the main life is normal here now and a dramatic step down from the bedlam of Rio......nice to take in another side of the culture of Brazil to be honest.

So with 28 days to go on this fabulous holiday it is hard to believe there is still so much to see and do before coming home. Coldplay in Sao Paulo in a week, Vegas the week after and Pebble Beach after that......many more fantastic times ahead yet it feels like I have done so much all ready....

Hope all is well with everyone......


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