Blackmores Half Marathon

23 September 2007

Mission accomplished!

Well, after 4 months of training and running over 200kms in training today was the day to run the Sydney Half Marathon.

It was a beautiful start to the day and the race started at 6:20am at Milsons Point. Quite amazing to think it was all over by 8:30am but I managed to run the Half Marathon in 1:44:55 which was just under my target of 1:45:00 so I am very happy with the run and the achievement of running a Half Marathon!

Not only was this a personal achievement but I managed to raise just over $3000 for Cantoo where all funds go to Cure Cancer Australia.

The entire Cantoo team did fantastically and we all cheered each other on. An awesome experience all round.

So, what next. Well knowing I can now go under 105 minutes I think the next frontier is to break 100 minutes. So looks like I will have a go at the May Half Marathon next year to take that goal on!

And who knows. Maybe the full Marathon in a years time?

Check out my fundraising at



070923 Half Marathon

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