Dublin - London 2004

29th July 2004

Hello again all!!!

Well, my time in the UK/Europe is almost over and a I am writing to you on the eve of my departure for NYC - the city that never sleeps!!!

Last time I wrote I was in Belfast, enjoying the experiences of meeting people from Coca-Cola there and generally trying to get a feel of the way things work over here compared to Australia.

That was highly successful and interesting and after that, it was Dublin here I come...with a minor detour for a game of golf courtesy of Coca-Cola Ireland....

Well, last Friday I left Belfast and drove down to Dublin.....on the way though I saw a sign for "Slane", which for those of you fortunate, or unfortunate as it may be to have been subjected to my favourite and most recent U2 concert DVD will know that Slane Castle is where it was filmed in 2001....I couldn't resist myself so I had to go take a look...

Peering through the breaks in the fencing from outside I was able to see the castle and the grounds where the concerts are held each year. Incidentally, Madonna is playing there Aug 29 which would be great but never mind....when a tour group in "Paddy's Wagon" turned up, I saw them jump the fence and enter the grounds so I had to do the same....was real cool to wander around the site and take a walk up to the castle imagining what it would be like with 80000 fans watching U2....GREAT!!!

After that U2 moment I made my way down to Carton House golf course just outside of Dublin and had a great round of golf there courtesy of Coca-Cola Ireland....thanks to Selina for sorting that one out for me!!! Was great fun....

And then to Dublin.....wasn't quite sure what the interesting parts of Dublin were going to be but Colin flew in Friday night which was cool so we could have a weekend in Dublin and hang out there....we went to all the bars we could, drank loads and drank some more....that's what people do in Dublin so we did it too!

Hangover day Saturday and where better to go than the Guinness factory!!! That's about the only real sightseeing thing we did in Dublin but it was cool....have some million dollar photos from the Guinness factory to share with you all!!!

More wandering on Sunday and back to London it was Sunday night.....the last couple days have been spent pretty much catching up on last minute thingsbefore I go.

I managed to see my brother-in-laws parents and brother for lunch on Monday which was cool and last night it was "Jerry Springer - the Opera" which was silly but funny.....not sure it lived up to the hype of its reviews but it was entertaining nonetheless....

And here I am. Last email from UK/Europe before I head off to NYC tomorrow....that promises to be fun and Miami for the weekend to see Madonna, so that promises to be even "funner"!!!

Hope you are all well, wherever you are and drop me a note if you feel up to it!!!

Lots of love


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