Close Encounters of the Argentinian Kind....
15th February 2007

OK, so from Key West Florida to Buneos Aires and Iguazzu Falls Argentina....the contrast could not have been bigger...we left the shores of the USA to arrive in a wonderland of beauty, bargains and BIG nights!

Not sure how to sum up the Buneos Aires experiences really. Lots of eating fantastic food at restuarants that never seemed to shut.....street wandering that never seemed to end and stories that will have to be told....we never ate dinner before 11pm almost every night and that was just the done thing....beautiful people do not eat before then and you know what they say, when in Rome...... :-)

Sightseeing in Buneos Aires was kept to everything Eva Peron and historical landmarks....much more to be seen on a subsequent visit which there will have to be.....

Of course we hit the clubs as well and they did not seem to get going before idea when these people find time to sleep for work but somehow it all comes together. Of course big nights equals lots of alcohol and whilst I did not have any hangovers of Miami proportions the same cannot be said for some of the others. Brad had a drunken stuper moment that can only be retold in the flesh....I had an adventurous night out at a disco and Jen & Gav spent time in a field with a duck! All ridiculous but hence the title, close encounters....

After 4 days of Buneos Aires fabulousness we headed to Iguazzu Falls....of course in South America something has to go wrong and just before take off to Iguazzu Falls the captain announces we have to turn back to the terminal....all this was in spanish you understand so our comprehension was limited but for the Germans on board a crazy blond woman (named Helga no less) wearing prison orange got up to tell her tour group....all very funny......5 hours later we get going and arrive well after our scheduled time....

So, once in Iguazzu Falls we spent 2 days wondering the parks on the Argentinian side and Brazilian side gawking at the beauty of the falls and getting very, very wet. We looked at the falls from the lower circuit, the upper circuit and from a boat that went right underneath the falls as well....fantastic! Pretty awesome actually. In the falls themselves I kept on freaking out as there were bees everywhere (that didn´t sting apparently) but nonetheless I didn´t like it.

Anyway, Wednesday afternoon we got going and headed to Rio.....oh my God!

1 comment:

myohmy said...

You must come to Chile!!!
Nice adventures, hope to have some myself.