USA Football Frenzy
5th February 2007

Ok, well I write this from the southern most point of Continental USA - Key West. It's very relaxed here albeit a bit grey and windy which is a bit of ashame. Making the most of it though and have done a whole bunch of touristy things whilst here - not much else to do to be honest as usually the done thing is to chill out by the pool and relax! Not today though. Too grey and windy.

So far the trip has been pretty good. Arrived in LA last Thursday and had a great day with my sister and the family. Sue took the day off which was great and we hung out in LA. Went to see all the touristy sights there as it was Brad's first visit to LA so the whole list of must do's were done! Hollywood sign, Chinese Theatre, Kodak theatre (where the academy awards are held) and lots of Celebrity homes. You get the drift. LA and showbusiness means lots of tacky sights to see!

Left LA Friday and got to Miami at around 9pm and everything went wrong. With the Superbowl on Miami accomodation was a pain to organise from Australia and then when we arrived we couldn't even find the rental apartment we were meant to stay in. The website we booked through gave us an incorrect address and we didn't have an after hours phone number so basically we were left stranded. Not happy Jan! Ended up at a dodgy hostel which was overpriced given its level of basic amenities but I didn't care as at least I had a roof over my head! Needless to say I went out Friday night and drank the accomodation frustrations away!

On Saturday with full hangover in play we received an email from the rental accomodation with the correct address so we went there hoping it would all be ok. Of course, it was too good to be true and the bastards had double booked their apartment so we were forced to head back to the hostel. It wasn't all bad though. The reservations clerk there was this really friendly Brazilian woman who I got talking to about Rio and South America - not that she gave me many tips for the trip but she was very friendly and interesting.

Managed to get to the beach and check out Ocean drive taking in the many thousands of NFL loving Americans who had jetted in for the Superbowl. Was quite amusing actually as there was lots of Hummers, Convertible Cars and show ponies driving up and down the Miami streets with their hip-hop music coming out loud and clear and just showing off. Was quite amusing watching all the 'boys in the hood!'. Had another night out Saturday night but was a bit more restrained on my alcohol as I knew I had to drive to Key West the next day. Of course that does not mean I didn't have any fun.....

So, Sunday and Key West. Got the Budget rent a car convertible and had to leave the roof on. :-( Rained almost the entire way from Miami to Key West but my spirits have not been dampened! Listened to my ipod the entire way, sang to myself and enjoyed the drive. Brad got to sleep most of the way nursing his hangover as he took over Saturday from where I left off Friday! Actually, the drive would be spectacular on a beautiful sunny day as you basically drive through the Ocean on very long freeways connecting the different Islands of the Florida Keys. I hope it is sunny for the drive back tomorrow. Checked out the town last night before watching the Superbowl with all the others at the hotel around the TV enjoying Happy Hour! Was quite fun actually. Met a couple lovely older ladies from New York and Iowa and of course they loved me!!! :-)

Hit the bars last night after the Superbowl and watched some very dodgy drag shows. It is well documented that Key West has some of the worst drag queens around and I didn't see anything to dispell that legend!

So that gets me to where I am now. Feeling relaxed and pretty chilled out. I'm only 90 miles from Cuba and 160 Miles from mainland USA at the moment but unfortunately Cuba is not an option. You cannot go there from the USA. Have to go via Mexico or central America. Next time maybe?

Anyway, South America around the corner and that is where the real fun is going to begin....language barriers coming up but somehow I think I will be fine....


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