Pebble Beach Beauty
15th March 2007

Ok, well I have played 3 great golf courses in 2 days, taken a million photos and had an unbelievable time.

Got to Monterey around 6pm Monday night and was picked up by the Pebble Beach complementary transfer guy and driven around like I was someone special being given a guided tour of the properties at Pebble Beach, Spyglass Hill and Spanish Point but also taking in the views of Cypruss Point Golf Course and the lovely coastline up there. It is truly a beautiful place. So much so that I quickly forgot just how much money I was actually paying for this experience!!!

Suffice to say we were treated like kings for the 2 days we were there.

Met Pete & Sandra at the 18th hole at Pebble Beach for some sunset beers and couldn't have asked for a better start. Had a lovely dinner and then Tuesday played 2 rounds of golf at Spanish Point and then Spyglass Hill. Both awesome courses and the Spyglass Hill course is the most difficult they use on the PGA tour so as you can imagine I had some troubles with it. Had 21 over at Spanish Point and 23 over at Spyglass Hill so the golf wasn't fabulous but really enjoyed it. The weather was weird though. There are these crazy micro-climates that exist up there so basically both rounds of golf were played in heavy fog - made the site seeing a touch disappointing but I kept reminding myself where I was and what was to come the next day.

So, Wednesday. Played Pebble Beach. Had a clear blue day and shot 15 over even though it could have been so much better. Played well, loved the course and took a million photos. Could not have asked for a better way to experience Pebble Beach. Will be going back that is for sure!

And that brings me back to LA. Got in last night and will focus on family things for the remaining days I am here. Off to Hollywood today to get mum some souveniers and do some last minute shopping....because I haven't done enough all ready!

Back home in 5 days - yuk!

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