Signing Off....
18th March 2007

OK, so this is it. I leave tonight to head back to Australia and whilst I am excited to be going back home and will be able to see friends and family, I don't know if my brain is ready to check back into work mode yet or not.

Had a good few days here in LA. Haven't done that much really since getting back from Pebble Beach. Just spent time with the kids and catching up on some last minute shopping before I head back. I got to catch up with my LA buddies, Sean & Carey on Friday night and that was fun and then last night I had a dinner and movie night with Sue & Harry before hitting the town for one last night out before heading back to reality.

Yesterday was fun though as I got to watch my nephew Thomas play baseball and his team won 4-2 and Thomas got scored a run so needless to say he was a happy camper last night! Off to watch Sydney play baseball in an hour or so as well so it is baseball mayhem here!

Tonight we are having a simple dinner with a few friends coming over to say goodbye and then I leave to catch my flight.....not quite ready for going home just yet....I've had too much fun and have too many good memories that are so fresh!

Cya back home.....


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