San Diego
7th March 2007

Signing off from San Diego. This leg of the trip is now over and we have done a lot in 2 days. Got here yesterday and immediately went to the San Diego Zoo to see why it was considered one of the worlds best zoo's and I have to say that it was great. Very hilly which meant I took the easy way back on the cable car but got to see a good overview of the zoo in 3 hours (even though to do it properly you need all day) and saw some animals I had never seen before such as Silver back gorillas and pandas. Not the same as seeing silver backs in the wild in the gongo but good nonetheless.

Went to a great restaurant called Bondi last night for dinner. Was a nice surprise actually and the guy that owns it is an aussie and is planning to open 6 more across the USA. Great food and lots of aussie staff as well made me feel kind of at home. Managed to hit the bars last night and whilst a Tuesday night isn't the busiest night of the week here still managed to have a good time.

Had a very amusing day today. Headed to Tijuana Mexico for the day and was dumbfounded with the amount of pharmacies there selling generic versions of every drug under the sun for next to nothing. God bless America! I can understand how they all cross the border to get their prescription drugs of choice for 10% of what they would pay in the USA. Crazy....

Tijuana was very aumsing though. Lots of locals calling out "Hello friend.....come and see my shop.....I have things you have never seen before" and I guess in some ways they are telling the truth as there were some things I had never seen but not necessarily in a good way.....suffice to say the day was very aumusing and fun....

But that is it from San Diego. Off to LA tomorrow and starting the family wind down time before heading back to Australia in a week and a half.....Pebble Beach before that though which should be great!


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