Las Vagas - Sin City.....
5th February 2007

Well, it took 3 very gruelling flights to reach Las Vegas from when I left Sao Paulo. After 24 hours in the air from Sao Paulo > Miami> Dallas > Las Vegas, Brad and I finally made it here Friday night.

Of course with so many changes we had stop-overs in each city but the only place we had enough time or energy to do anything was Dallas. For the 3rd time in my life I saw Dealy Plaza - the site of the JFK assasination and whilst I still haven't solved the case I was still very intriged by it all.

Anyway, Las Vegas. Arrived Friday night and we have been pretty much on the go since getting here. Checked into the very luxurious MGM grand hotel Friday afternoon before doing the quintessential Las Vegas buffet experience Friday night and then hitting the Las Vegas strip to site see and then the clubs. Went to Studio 54 in the hope it would involve lots of disco but hip-hop rather than disco was the order of the night so after an hour I was out of there. Hit another club which had music and scenery more to my liking and stayed till the wee hours.....spending more money on drinks than I did in the whole Brazilian trip I think - I forgot drinks were no longer $1 each like there were in Brazil.....

After a slow start Saturday I wandered the strip checking out many of the Las Vegas hotels marvelling at how over the top they are. Was very enetertaining to say the least and then Saturday night was concert night - the Pussy Cat Dolls & Christina Aguileria. Was great fun although the crowd wasn't really a dancing crowd which was ashame....of course I made up for that by hitting the clubs again after the concert and getting my dancing fix in until the wee hours again....I chatted to the locals and met some guys from LA who became my new best friends for the night so drinks were on them....lots of fun!

Sunday involved another slow start to the day....5 hours sleep will do that too you but I did a bunch of shopping yesterday before checking out the Stratosphere tower yesterday afternoon before going to see the Cirque De Soleii Show - 'O' last night. Was amazing acrobatics, synchronised swimming and theatrics but I have to admit I dozed off for about 10 minutes of the 90 minute show.....I was pretty shattered to be honest after having a very big couple nights...Las Vegas, known as Sin City to the locals will do that to you....

And here I am. Monday morning at the Internet cafe recharging my iPod before heading for a massage on my back at 2pm and then the rest of the afternoon will no doubt involve more of what everyone else does here......wandering and shopping!

Heading to San Diego tomorrow which should be fun. I've never been there before and want to head to Tijuana Mexico for the day.....another stamp in the passport and another adventure....LA Thursday which should finally mean some R&R......need it......

Two weeks to go but who is counting....

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