Signing off from Brazil......
1st March 2007

Well, I am very sad to write this email on my last day here in Brazil.

Enjoyed the island of Morro De Sao Paulo which was off Salvador. We enjoyed a night out on the beach for an all night beach party to celebrate Hoff's birthday. It was great actually. As the island does not have cars there are many locals who fill wheelbarrows with anything from luggage to fruit and cart it around the island. At night though the same guys that push the wheelbarrows during the day set up cocktail stands at night. It is all very impressive with great fruit dispays and great cocktails that are about 80% alcohol. Very fun indeed. Anyway, suffice to say we drank lots of cocktails and danced the night away. There is nothing quite like a beach party!

It wasn't all fun and games though as we did chill out on the beach the next day and really enjoyed the day. But unfortunately 2 days on the island came to an end too quickly and we had to leave for Sao Paulo.

So that gets me to where I am at the moment - Sao Paulo. It is the 3rd biggest city in the world and it is BIG!!!

Saw Coldplay last night here which was awesome. They were meant to play more of their new album ´trialling´ it on the Latin American audiences but most of the concert was the same as what I saw in Australia last year which was great. With most of the songs recongnisable we all sang along to their music in the middle of a 4000 people strong Brazilian audience who also sang along. It was great. I am sure the Brazilians didn´t really know what they were singing but they were sure getting into it. The Brazilians have so much passion for life and music that it is very addictive. I could see myself fitting in here very well...

Anyway, we have been here 3 days and pretty much just done some walking tours of the city and some shopping before the main event of the concert last night. I have ticked my international concert box for 2007 but as I´ll be seeing Christina Aguliera and the Pussy Cat Dolls in Las Vegas on the weekend I guess I will have that box ticked twice this year. May have to cheat next year and go see a concert in New Zealand or somewhere more local. :-)

With only 3 weeks to go before I head back to Oz I am all ready starting to get that dreaded feeling of the holiday coming to an end but there is so much more to do before that happens that I am going to make the most of it.

All in all though this leg of the trip has been great. Brazil is awesome and I cannot wait to come back. All ready trying to work out when I can go back to Rio for Carnival as that was just one amazing experience.

Ok. Signing off for stop, Las Vegas!


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